Just a little post about Murphy because gosh, we love her!
And I think it’s every grandma’s (or NiNi’s) duty to show off their granddaughter every now and again, don’t you think?
I mean, have I even posted this darlingness yet?

And what about this one:

(That’s my screen-saver right now.)
And this little gem:

I just die with these pictures that come up on my phone.

Some smiles with “Coach:”

And some pretty darling parents.

Murphy just got her first cousin since Abby’s brother had a baby (Elle and Carson need to work on this don’t you think?:) and I know I’m biased but are you kidding me with cuteness in this photo of those two cousins together??

Oh man.
I’ve got to celebrate this girl every moment I can. This was my giant name tag at a Relief Society gathering this week:

Anyway, Murphy got to meet another set of great-grandparents over the summer.

I love that light coming out of their faces, sweetest grandparents ever still delighting over I think their twelfth great grandchild.
Just love that girl and wish I could hug her every day.
Max and Abby, give her big hugs from me today!
Oh, Shawni, she is SO darling! What a precious gift technology is in connecting us with loved ones. Plenty of time yet for Carson and Elle, though I can see how this sweet cherub makes you want a million more! In the meantime, your sweet grand baby can enjoy being the center of attention and endlessly doted on by her loving aunts and grandparents ❤️ Very fun that she gets the best of both worlds with a cousin so close in age on one side and NiNi and Coach all to herself on the other. Lucky little girl!
Thank you SJ! And yes, so much time for Elle and Carson when they’re ready!
Murph is so cute, but as someone currently struggling to have kids, which my parents have no idea about, I just want to leave a PSA for everyone – please do NOT pressure the people in your life about when/if they are having kids! You never know what people are going through behind the scenes. I just had my second miscarriage and my parents have no clue. I don’t even want to see them in person anymore because it hurts so much to hear hints about grandbabies. I have a great relationship with my parents but I don’t want to let them in on our struggle yet because I am still trying to preserve that ‘surprise’ moment when I finally have a successful pregnancy.
Oh Hannah I am so very sorry for the situation you are in. Breaks my heart because I know just waiting for some of my own babies what an emotional roller coaster that is and I am sending you so much love. I so appreciate your comment to remind me this is sometimes such a tough thing to go through. Elle and Carson have no desire to have a baby yet, but we do joke with them and for sure should be careful about that. Thank you for the reminder about that. Hoping you can communicate this with your parents as well. Sounds like you have a good relationship and I’m sure they would want to know what you’re going through and would give you so much love. Sending prayers and love your way and thanks again for your comment.
Ahh. Shawni, Beautiful Mama Bear response.
Hannah, I also struggled (and had a miscarriage) before we had our first child who was my parents’ eagerly awaited 1st grandbaby. I told my mom early so also had to tell her about our losses. She was a unique support and grieved with me beautifully. Sharing this kind of thing is very personal , always do what feels right for you. But know good parents will be THRILLED even if they know you’re trying; it’s won’t hurt the joy or love. Sending lots of love.
I kinda thought you wanted them to marry still in college but not have kids until they were done with all school? Didn’t 30% of your siblings also go on a world tour/mission trip in the months after marriage to delay children even further?
Oh, she is just precious! I see so much of both Max + Abby in her cute little face. What an exciting stage of life.
I see so much of Max in her!!! Got my first niece (or nephew for that matter) this past year and my entire family is obsessed with her. The joy she’s brought us is indescribable.
How fun! What a darling little one!
This baby’s expressions just tickles your toes! She is beyond adorable!