I am grateful for good friends. Soooooooo grateful.  They have, bit by bit, molded me into who I am.  Those ones who still hung out with me after I tripped on the way to school and skidded down the sidewalk on my face and broke off my front tooth on the way to elementary school.  And the ones who stuck with me at lunch up by the band room as a Freshman in high school because I was way to shy to be in the front hall with all the “cool” kids.  The boys who helped me come out of my shy shell as a high school sophomore.  The best girlfriends who I still can get back together with and pick up right where we left off even if it’s been a year since we’ve seen each other. I’m grateful for my good neighbors and for the examples of other friends around me at church, volunteering at the elementary school, all those wonderful people who I know would drop anything to help me and who are doing good wherever they go and who inspire me to be better.  I’m grateful for my cyber friends from this blog…I’m so grateful for how many people I’ve “met” through this this thing who have inspired me with their comments and suggestions and wisdom. With all this poetry stuff swirling around in my mind lately (see this post) I came across this quote a friend sent me that I adore.  It isn’t really classified as poetry per se, but I think anything C.S. Lewis writes is poetry so here you go: "In Friendship…we think we have chosen our peer. In reality a few years’ difference in the dates of our births, a few more miles between certain houses, the choice of one university instead of another…the accident of a topic being raised or not raised at a first meeting—any of these chances might have kept us apart. But, for a Christian, there are, strictly speaking, no chances.
A secret Master of Ceremonies has been at work. Christ, who said to the disciples, ‘Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you,’ can truly say to every group of Christian friends ‘You have not chosen one another, but I have chosen you for one another.’ The Friendship is not a reward for our discriminating and good taste in finding one another out. It is the instrument by which God reveals to each the beauties of others."
–C.S. Lewis
Yes, I do believe with all my heart that Christ has put such good people in my path.  And I’m more grateful for that than I can ever find the right words to express.

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  1. I just have to tell you I used your idea you passed along yesterday about the "choose a job jar". We used that as our lesson last night for FHE (along with The Turkey with the Terrible Temper story )and our kids actually WANTED to choose a chore last night after the lesson. Then 15 minutes later when they "needed" to choose from the jar it wasn't as "fun". Now they want to bring it with us to our Thanksgiving get together with family because they feel some of their cousins will really benefit from it. hehe! Just had to share. Keep the wonderful posts coming. I love your great ideas. Thank you! Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Love the quote. I'm grateful to the Master of Ceremonies and I remember meeting you "the new sister" at Stoica Ludescu. Remembered that you were tall and had a great, big smile! Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. well, you don't know me but you've impacted my family 🙂 I read your blog everyday. I too stole the job jar, they're so funny and I can't wait for someone to draw one.
    I love this quote.
    Thank you.

  4. Oh Shawni! I needed to discover this quote so badly today; what a beautiful voice C.S. Lewis has. I recently lost my childhood best friend at the ripe age of 24 and it has been incredibly difficult to say the least. This quote helped me look at the tragedy in a different light; (Thank God for bringing us together.) Thank you.

  5. That was beautiful.
    You have been such an inspiration to me in helping my family have more love and balance.
    I hope you had a wonderful thanksgiving this weekend. (my family cooked their turkey in a pit).

    Maybe we will run into each other over the holidays. I am bringing my family to Arizona for Christmas to be with more family.

    Lots of love;


    A Canadian.

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