Continuing on my musings about what I’m grateful for… I’m grateful for some mom out in cyberspace named Becki (who I do not personally have the pleasure of knowing). And that somehow something led me to her post about how she gets her kids put their stuff away. Because man alive, it is awesome. It’s kind of like the Joy School “Gunny Bag” who “eats left-over toys” with a twist. Her brilliant idea gave me the brilliant idea to add her “funny jobs” into our “Five-Minute Job Jar.”2012-06-13BBSconference52055

The Job Jar

Now, I don’t know if I’ve talked about how much I adore this little jar (above).

It works miracles I tell you.

When my children forget a job, tease each other, forget their manners, ignore me, etc. (which happens all too often) it is just so magically easy to calmly tell them to go pick out a job from the jar.

If I remember to do this instead of getting all huffy and slamming a door, it does three things:

  • takes all the emotion out of trying to bug kids about chores
  • nudges the kids to make better choices next time so they don’t get stuck with a trip to the job jar, and
  • it makes our house a lot cleaner!

Last week, inspired by Becki’s post, we added a whole slew of her ideas into that thing. I had Claire fold them up and add them to the jar.

Funny ideas to add to the job jar to make chores fun

At first she wasn’t paying attention and just started stuffing them in.  But then she started reading them as she folded. As soon as she started reading what they said she perked right up:2012-11-16 fall 64670 You know it’s gonna be a good thing when her face looked like this when she found a particularly amusing one:2012-11-16 fall 64666 …and she just kept getting more and more excited as she went.2012-11-16 fall 64668 That hair is “keeping it real.”2012-11-16 fall 646692012-11-16 fall 64665 My personal favorite is: “Rub your Dad’s head for ten minutes while telling him how thankful you are for him working so hard.”

Oh and Claire was beyond amused that one of them called for making a bed with a blindfold on…and another for making up a song about having a clean house and perform it for your family. But I think this one was her favorite:2012-11-16 fall 64667 I mean, there’s got to be some mercy in there with the punishments, right?

I couldn’t help but smile to myself that evening when she and a friend were trying to find something new to do. Claire’s eyes brightened right up. “I know! Let’s pick some jobs from our new job jar!” she suggested with glee.

Her friend looked at her kinda funny but tried to be a good sport.  Five minutes later I had a scrubbed fridge and two happy girls eating a treat just as the slip of paper had directed them to do after they finished.

Yeah, I love this thing:2012-11-16 fall 64679And I love my new-friend-Becki-who-doesn’t-know-who-I-am too 🙂  I’m grateful that she reminded me jobs don’t have to be all drudgery. The only problem is that maybe now my kids will WANT to get sent to that job jar.  But hey, if they do, I’ll sure have a sparkling house and some happy kids to show for it.

Other helps for getting kids to work:

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  1. This.Is.Awesome.

    I don't have children (yet), but I fully intend to use something like this when I do and they are old enough to understand it.

  2. What a lovely witty idea to have serious jobs phrased in a tongue in cheek manner. I actually think I may make one for my home…even though it's just my husband and I. Hahaha no excuses for us to be lazy when there are some fun humorous slips of paper to prompt fixing up the house. Thanks for passing on the lovely idea.

  3. Cassie- the link is in the sentence- "(The post is here…it’s kind of like the Joy School “Gunny Bag” who “eats left-over toys” with a twist.)" Click on the word here in that sentence and it will take you to Becki's website. 🙂

  4. We added "turn on some music" and "give everyone in the house a hug," but somehow those get chosen every. single. time. so watch that they aren't putting extra creases in certain chores. 😉

  5. Hi Shwani,
    Once again a wonderful idea. I introduced your chores list to our kids and they are getting used to it and doing well (and even enjoying it;) I showed my oldest son this job jar idea and he is keen for it! So looks like I need to introduce this as well 🙂
    Have a wonderful day and thank you for sharing!
    Greetings from Moz,

  6. I love the looks on Claire's face, she's so excited:)

    I have a question about Gunny, did your Mum & Dad ever actually take the stuff that was in Gunny to a charity shop? They said on one of my tapes that they did that. Also, would you do that?

    Also, how did you get on with "Bed Throw" & have you done that with your children?

  7. This makes me so happy today! I have been feeling kind of burned out and impatient and this is a good idea to help me find a good thing to do or say – go get a job out o the job jar instead of being angry or not knowing what to say.

  8. Great idea–just one question. What do you do when the kids misbehave right before bed or right before you have to leave and you are already late, or in the car, etc? It seems like those are the times I need a quick emotionless consequence, but I can't think of how to make this work.

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