We took our three younger girls and Dave’s mom to see Joseph and the Technicolored Dreamcoat.  

We hemmed and hawed about whether or not we should take Lucy.

We always do with things like this.

Because, well, she can be a little bit of a wild card which sometimes takes away attention from the big girls.

But we decided to go for it this time.

We huddled up in the car and refreshed/taught the girls the story line.

When we got to our seats my heart kind of sunk because we had a bird’s eye view…for reals.  This picture doesn’t quite do justice to how far away that stage seemed..like a little speck in the distance, which is all fine and grand…

…except for the fact that poor Lucy can’t see all that well.

We had seats in two different rows and Lu and I ended up together.  We whispered to each other the whole time…she was fascinated and followed right along the whole time.  Her vision sure didn’t fail her…she seemed to soak everything in like a little sponge.

A couple days later in church she asked me to help her find the story of Joseph and his brothers in the Bible, so I did.

She held her little book up a few inches from her face and read and read all through sacrament meeting.

When we got home, she plunked down on the couch and kept reading.

A half hour later:

And another half hour later:

Man alive she was in the zone on that thing.

And she was pleased as punch when she wrapped that story up.  She told us it was almost the same except that there wasn’t such a big party at the end in the real Bible 🙂

I know she didn’t really “get” it all (which is all good for some parts for now), but Dave and I looked at each other with big smiles.

Our girl is growing up.  And learning so much.  Sure part of me is sad…and as she grows it makes that IWAN part of me thud in an hollow little part of my heart.  But because Lucy is Lucy, we celebrate in victory every little step.

Oh man we love that girl!

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  1. That is awesome! I struggle to get the scriptures to come alive in my children's eyes, but they are young and one day it will click! Thank you for always inspiring us moms! Ps I'm going to be in gilbert this weekend, what are the chances of me buying you lunch and picking your brain? 🙂

  2. She is so sweet and it sounds like she had a great time! I had some similar experiences at plays and other events when I was growing up, but because of a hearing loss, not vision. Perhaps you could check if the theaters have ADA compliant seating? Many times I've found theaters have nice seating right up front and allow the person's companions to sit with them too, but you have to arrange it ahead of time. Just a thought!

  3. I can relate to your joy over the decision to take Lucy and her being able to enjoy herself all working out. Why our kids have challenges it's more than a wardrobe requirement and reminder to be in their best behavior in the car to prep them for the experience. We need to make the environment as ideal as possible and some of that is under our control and some of that isn't. Extra bonus when the whole family enjoys it.

    1. I'm sorry it was meant to be when our kids have challenges.. Not why. Sorry.

      I'm impressed that the sound didn't cause her distress. It's hard to be in a crowded place and not know exactly how far you are from the speaker (and how comfortable the sound level is coming out of it) and if it is just too much imput. You plan and plan and think you managed all the known triggers to melts and then you are there and there is just one more unexpected element that could make it a disasterous idea. But if you never try how will you really know if she can do it and enjoy it? And so much changes with age. Yet you don't want to set up for failure either. The successes are so joyful.

  4. I love this post! So wonderful! (On aside note: are you going to do a full 'new home' house tour? I would LOVE to see what you guys have done! It looks gorgeous! Also, my hubby & I are going to get to hear your awesome parents speak to our YPO group next month. I can't wait! My husband grew up in a family of 9 kids & his parents names are Richard & Linda 😉 crazy, hu? Have a great day!!).

  5. One of my favorite musicals of all time. We play the music regularly and my kids know the story frontwards and backwards. Such a sweet story of her reading the scriptures so diligently. What a sweet girl.

  6. One of my favorite musicals ever. I played "the cassette" over and over with my older girls. They still remember it.
    Just a suggestion, which you probably already thought of after posting your pictures, but what about a large print bible for Lucy?
    Also, they have the musical on DVD and TNT did a great tv production of Joseph about 20 years ago. A little too intense for Lucy maybe with Potifer's (sp?) Wife and her going after Joseph. TNT did a whole slew of biblical movies that are pretty right on. Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, David, Esther, etc.

  7. What a gal that Lucy is! And what a reader!!! WOW! When she sets her mind to something, there's no stopping her….an attribute that will be a great help to her forever! Love you Lucy!

  8. I love this post! my little special miss doesn't like crowds or big noises and sometimes just a new house can freak her out but this year is my year to get her out more and just do it. I figure that school starts next year and there will be lots of new faces and experiences.
    I just love that lucy sat right through it and loved it and the reading………love that! When they are little you just don't know what is in store for them but when they do something that might be small to someone else it is huge for us!!!!. This was perfect timing for me.

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