June has been a good one so far. How in the world is it almost the end?
A few happenings going on in our family this month…
Two of my little brothers moved back (from NYC and Thailand), to Utah where four of our kids live.
I have LOVED seeing these pics come in of the girls with their little cousins they adore.

Love that Eli & Julie had a little going-away dinner for Claire, where some got to meet Murphy for the first time. Love little Etta’s face looking at that girl (left below).

Claire’s face on the right (above) shows a little portion of how sad she is to leave that baby niece of hers. Oh boy. So grateful for FaceTime!
Elle and Carson have been exploring the San Francisco area on their externship.
Sometimes with friends, sometimes just the two of them.

Those two know how to squeeze so many good things into life!
Meanwhile back in Utah, Dave and I have had some work meetings up there lately. There are some good perks that come along with those meetings:

Grace was working during our picnic, but we got to have a special night with her too:

Claire packed up her life up there and made the long drive home with her friend (who got squished out of the pic). She came home to have a few days to get ready for all her adventures coming up (study abroad and mission).

That scripture on the right up there above was one that I came across thinking about both those college girls of mine.
Isn’t it amazing that God will not leave us comfortless?
So grateful to feel that in my life. How I hope my children can feel it too.
Claire got home earlier than we did, and got right to work catching up with high school friends, and Dave and I happened to be on the same flight with his cousin (who is also my dear friend).

It’s a small world!
More on Claire’s journey to get out the door tomorrow!
Just curious, do you think you and Dave would ever move to Utah? It seems like a lot of your family is there!
I don’t think so. We love it there and love to visit our kids but I don’t think they’ll be there forever. Hopefully we’ll be able to spend lots of the summers there going forward, and keep AZ as our home base.
Explain to me your views as a Mormon on double-pierced ears again…? All the girls seem to have them in your pictures… even the returned and soon to be missionaries….
Please help me understand the obsession with teenage girls and their piercings. How is that relevant to anything? Why does that matter? Why so much curiosity here over that??? I’ve never understood why people care so much.
Hi Lisa. That was a guideline first suggested back in the year 2000 in the church. What is considered respectful outward appearance changes drastically over time and across cultures. For example, it was not so long ago considered immodest for women to wear pants instead of dresses in American culture. As The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has grown to be an even more world-wide church, it has increasingly stepped away from delineating specific guidelines for appearance and increasingly encouraged members to prayerfully govern themselves. Wearing two pairs of earrings is not discouraged or even mentioned anywhere in our church’s dress and appearance guidelines and hasn’t been for quite a while. It is a non-issue. I hope that helps answer your question.
It is in your missionary rules for “sisters”
Just like you might wear something different on the weekend than you do at work, missionaries are given a specific dress code to help them present a more professional look.
Just like you might wear something different at work than you do on the weekend, missionaries are given a specific dress code to help them present a more professional look.
It’s hard to believe that we suddenly have six families in Utah right now. Including Murphy’s family. Ha! love that little peanut and her mom and dad!
Shawni, where do I find that scripture? I’d like to read it!
John 14: 15-19
Thank you!!