the last couple months according to my iPhone

…with a couple words to explain here and there.(Lucy’s cup towers, meeting Mitt, Claire’s first Halloween outfit, long early-morning lab line to get Lu’s blood drawn, good-looking guy) (Grace’s much-obsessed-about moon packet for school, Book of Mormon mailings, baby love, b-ball love) (piano duets, orthodontist dates, art with friends, masterpiece that I have started teaching,…

the trek

I’m not going to lie, our church does some seemingly whacky things.   I mean, we go to church for at least three hours every week, we don’t drink coffee and alcohol, we work hours and hours each week for callings that we don’t get paid for.   But there is a purpose behind it…

Friday Q & A

Did you create the bookshelves on the girls’ bedroom wall or did you buy them pre-made? {from the middle pictures in this post} I bought that thing at Pottery Barn years ago and I love it, but wouldn’t have a clue how to make it.  My sister-in-law, however, is pretty darn talented and has made…

scriptures in China

When Dave was in China we did a lot of skyping.  That is when digital technology sure comes in handy dandy. Half way through our trip Dave figured out that he really didn’t have to miss the morning routine over here fifteen hours behind him.  At 6:30am here it was already 9:30pm there so he…

inspiring women

So a day after Dave got back from China (and we had a chance to snuggle him up) I packed up my bags again and went up to Utah to reunite after two years with these lovely, inspiring ladies: At this gorgeous home up high in the mountains of Park City: The reason for our…

volleyball and tennis

Now that Max is about ready to try out for the high school volleyball team, I better wrap up his season of club volleyball that ended before Christmas.He sure learned a lot.I had to be out of town for the first few tournaments so when I finally got to go watch I was amazed at…