February little things

February little things

We may as well start out this February wrap with a volleyball picture, because boy howdy, this was a condensed volleyball season (18s club season is packed full so all the committed players can get moving with their college teams before summer rolls around). And I don’t think there could be a better team to…

January little things

January little things

Well, today marks the first day of official on-line school here in the desert. Everyone at this moment is nestled in front of their chrome books and laptops (college kids), working hard, trying to figure out this strange new mode of life. Every once in a while I stop in my tracks and the heaviness…

Lucy’s 12th birthday

We had a grand celebration for Lucy’s birthday.  I think we kind of nailed it.  Mostly because she let us know exactly how it should go:)  …Right down to the surprise party suggestion she wrote out in detail in what we like to call her “birthday epistle”… five full pages filled with things that might…

February little things

In the beginning of February our kitchen looked like this with our traditional kitchen “heart attack” plastered all over the place: Plus, it always looks squeaky-clean like that.  Ha! I should post more pictures of my kitchen when it’s strewn about with so many “things,” pots and pans and dishes and kids and backpacks and…

November little things

Why does it seem to me like November was two years ago? Well ok, not two years ago, because that’s when Max left and that’s a really long time!   But just looking through these pictures makes me realize how quickly you can forget.  So glad to have at least some of all we did captured…