Let’s talk about our traditional Valentine’s love that Lucy wouldn’t let us skip out on if the world was ending. She loves this stuff.

And so do I.

Our Valentine’s Tradition

Years ago we copied a friend on a Valentine’s tradition she came up with. And it was one of those things that stuck. And became an embedded tradition.

Every year since then leading up to Valentine’s Day we “heart attack” our kitchen. Meaning, we cut out hearts and fill them up with love we have for each other and then plaster them all over the kitchen to surround us all Valentines season.

I hope, as our kids have headed out into the big wide world, that they were infused with some extra love each year as we got busy filling up our kitchen with things we love about each other.

I hope that not only were my kids buoyed with love from others written on those hearts. But I hope that in thinking of what they loved about their siblings helped somehow solidify those “love channels.”

Because it’s so important to intentionally look for ways to love others around us. To train ourselves to look for the good.

Our Kitchen “Heart Attack” This Year

Usually our hearts are pink and red (very traditional valentines stuff over here).

But this year, since it was only me and Lu home to work on those suckers (sad stuff right there…even Claire and Dave were gone to Claire’s volleyball tournament), we decided to take the liberty to go crazy and do all kinds of colors.

We are wild right? Ha!

I took these pictures before Claire’s hearts were added, (which we need to bulk it up…not a whole bunch of people living in town these days!), but you get the idea.

Some of Lucy’s sweetie-pie notes:

Usually the things we love are expressed in just a few words, but Lucy takes the liberty to really go for it, and I love it.

Other years filled with kitchen valentines:

Valentine Thoughts

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  1. I love all the ideas you post. It takes an army to raise resilient and strong children. We all need all the tips we can get! Thanks for sharing your precious family moments. Even as my kids have started to grow up, it’s still something I love to do that hopefully, they will remember fondly!

    Side note: where did you get your floor plans? I love love the layout of your home!!

  2. I love all the ideas you post. It takes an army to raise resilient and strong children. We all need all the tips we can get! Thanks for sharing your precious family moments.

    Side note: where did you get your floor plans? I love love the layout of your home!!

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