deliberate mothering

The importance of what’s on our walls: walls quotes On honoring how unique each child is: talents praise star of the month awards instilling confidence five-facet reviews  Teaching hard work: hard work & independence parenting breakthrough hard work enjoying the journey (working with kids) On creating a family identity: family mottos family home evening family…

Claire’s birthday

Claire was certain that Max’s mission call got moved back a week JUST so that he could be with her on her birthday.  It was last week (HERE).   Let’s talk about how it all went down. Traditional early-morning breakfast before school: (complete with candy bar poster) Everyone looks overjoyed that early in the morning,…

Valentine’s Day 2015

The only problem with this “enjoy” stuff for 2015 and slowing down on blogging is that I get even more far behind on things I want to document so I’m trying to catch up just a little this week.   But I guess since we just barely took down our kitchen “heart attack” (back HERE…I…

the end of an era

Being the record-keeper I am, and in utter respect for this home we adore, I took lots of pictures of our last holiday season here. Two years ago when we celebrated Christmas I thought it would be our last one here.  We had just bought our new home and were preparing to remodel.   Little…

prep for “love day”

We were a tad bit late on our Valentines-prep “heart-attack” this year, but we hunkered down and did it for FHE on Monday.  It is one of my very favorite traditions. Everyone writes a heart for everyone else…something that they love about them and then we “heart-attack” the house. It’s a great thing to be…


Meet our new birthday board we’re putting in front of all the girls’ houses this year on their birthdays:Lucky me, I was the first birthday of the year and was surprised find it already done accompanied by a major “heart attack” late at night the night before my birthday. The kids thought it was the…