PEACE in our homes

I mentioned in a post way back when that I spoke at this great conference in the beginning of November: I was honored to be the keynote speaker and loved that I had the opportunity to think about “how to open your door to a Christ-centered home” and find peace in our homes for that…

July 2016 little things

Wait.  Stop the clock.  Let’s freeze time for a minute here before the holidays take over.  How in heaven’s name is Halloween already knocking on the door? I’m going to try speedy-quick to sum up July.  Then hopefully August and September too because boy, it’s October.  These “little things” posts are so fun for us…

TWELVE year old

Ok, today is Claire’s birthday.   On the one hand I’m so grateful we have this day as a distraction on our little rollercoaster of emotions as we get ready to send Max off in one week.  She was SO sad when he got his mission call to leave on the 20th, and was over-the-moon…


Twenty years ago I married this guy. Yes, twenty. And I was a lot more excited about it than I look in that very serious photo 🙂 We got married three years after our first date (“How to Host a Murder”): It took a while after that date to get it together (parts one and…

a motherhood treat

Ok, really it’s a motherhood “retreat,” but to me it was a motherhood “treat” :). Lately my brain has been foggy. Like, really foggy. And when it gets like that it feels velvety good to go clean out the fog.  So I feel extra lucky that last week I got to go to a motherhood…