the “I Love Lucy project” needs YOU (and everyone else we can muster up to help!)

As Lucy’s family, we are committed to doing all we can to save the vision in these pretty baby blues:   Going to the Marshfield Clinic last month (back here) jump-started Dave and me into some serious business as to how to go about doing just that. We learned sooooo much and came home armed with…

waving goodbye to summer skies

…on the last day of summer. (photo creds: my brother Eli)(photo cred: my brother Eli) (photo cred: Dave…desert monsoon) (photo cred: my sis. Saydi) (photo creds for these two: Grace from the car)(that one is to show the bugs…we need to have a funeral for all those poor guys still on our windshield) Oh how…

california reminiscing

I already wrote about the 4th in California back here, but have to post a few more pictures for memory’s sake. Four years ago we started a tradition of going to Coronado with nine other families.  Our kids think it’s the greatest thing in the entire planet to get to hang out with so many…

little {summer} things

little {summer} things

Grace’s volleyball camp: My friend organized this neighborhood progressive play-date.  These girls (plus a lot more…I think there were 18 of them all together).They made breakfast at one house, made bracelets at another, played games at another, and lunch at another.At our house we did nails and swimming. I have taken over the dining table…

the 4th

Where was Max? In Reno at Jr. Nationals with his team:Yes, for the 4th of July!  He had a great time but boy, how we missed him!  So glad he is here with us now, even though he broke Claire’s toe when he came in for a hug when he got here. 


Twelve years ago today Dave and I checked into the hospital in the early morning and welcomed our third child into the world.  A second daughter who we named Grace Anne.And who thought her name was Grace “And” until she was five. (I love that.) She entered the world calm and peaceful as could be….


the beach

We stayed to soak in the sun for a couple days after the 4th.  I don’t think kids could get tired of the beach even if they tried. There is endless entertainment… …endless shell collections to be made: …endless holes to be dug: …boogie-boarding to be done: …babies to be eaten up: …imaginations to let…