my Dad

Oops, I can’t believe I forgot to post this last night, but here you go:Today is my Dad’s birthday, and even though there are only a few minutes left of the big day I have to say something about him. Because he’s is quite a guy, and he loves birthdays. I talk about him a…

Lucy’s D.C. trip

Since Lucy didn’t get to come to D.C. with the family here, I was looking forward to showing her a little bit of it’s beauty while we were there. Because she really cares about stuff like that (yeah, right). After all the testing was complete at NIH, Dave took off to run his marathon (more…

Utah cousins

While we were in Utah we got to stay with Dave’s sister a couple times. She is one heck of an amazing woman. She was pregnant with her sixth child (who was just born two days ago…welcome little Macie!). Yet she put up with multiple visits…one of which was just adding extra kids to her…

siblings “snapshot”

By the time this posts I will be knee-deep in laundry, unpacking, potty training Lucy, catching up on stake primary stuff, trying to stock up the fridge and dealing with tired kids. (I love the “scheduling” option on blogs.) But before the summer freedom draws to a close, (which it does early in the desert…August…

my family

This is my family:I adore them. And I adore that I get to be with them in this gorgeous spot. We had our reunion last week. It was complete with our traditional campfire and music CD:Some serious races:I was going to only post the ones of us winning because I must admit our family came…

road trips

 We are here: Bear Lake: the place of my childhood summers that I can’t get enough of. And before I get into anything else, I must report on how we got here. First you must know this: I am a lightweight when it comes to driving. I don’t like it one bit. Even driving to…

college girls trip

Amidst all the holly, jolly hullabaloo back in December I neglected to write about what I got for Christmas. And it was good. Really good. Dave gave me a trip with my college girlfriends…a little reunion with my roommates I haven’t seen in ages (well, all except one of them that I’m lucky enough to…

first annual vision walk

After four and a half tantrums from Lucy (didn’t she know we were doing this for her??) we arrived at our first vision walk bright and early. The kids decided we needed to have our matching t-shirts from our reunion a few years ago for two reasons: 1) they are the color of Lucy’s eyes,…

photo contest

Today I feel compelled to announce the “Power of Moms” motherhood photo contest going on right now. Here are my reasons: 1) This is my sister’s website and I love her and I think she’s got a good idea going on here. 2) Photos of Motherhood are, in my humble opinion, priceless. Something that catches…