gratitude for villages

gratitude for villages

Last week was a week I wished I could multiply myself over and over again, and “be there” for so many. It seems that there are so many moving pieces in our family. So many moving pieces in our church congregation (where I serve in the Relief Society). So many people I wanted to lift…

what our “young adults” have been up to lately

what our “young adults” have been up to lately

The summer semester ended for Grace and for Claire. Grace’s ended earlier than Claire’s, and she’s been working double shifts up there, sometimes with fun visitors: (Mini cousins Moses and Gabe.) Also reunions with dear mission friends and fun adventures with new friends: Claire’s semester ended with a bang, trying to balance so many things…

Elle & Carson’s “sealing of the deal” at the temple

Elle & Carson’s “sealing of the deal” at the temple

Of all the things going on over Thanksgiving break, this part was my very favorite. Elle and Carson were sealed for Time and All Eternity at the temple. I loved sitting in that temple with all those people I love…family and extended family, sunlight sparking through those towering windows, Elle and Carson calm, happy, in…