Just a reminder that I’m teaching a photography class at Blissful Living Studio this Thursday, October 2nd. The web site says it’s for the “Intermediate Photographer” but don’t let that scare you because we’ll be going over all the basics…lighting, composition and how to shift out of the “auto” mode for better results with your camera (using the f-stop and aperture settings as well as changing the ISO depending on lighting situations). Even true beginners need this stuff, right? Don’t let those words scare you because it’s actually really simple once you get the hang of it. (If Max and Elle can get the hang of it, believe me, you can too!)

We’re capping the class number so that I can really help with individual questions and concerns so it should be fun.

I love photography. The more pictures I take, the more in love I fall. There’s nothing like capturing life as you know it before it transforms over and over into something new…giving endless opportunities to do what I love: take more pictures.…and the fact that I have my hard drive pretty much jammed full of pictures of this girl makes me feel at least slightly better that shes turning TWO in two days! At least I captured pretty much every hour of her life so far, poor girl.

For more info on the class and how to sign up, click here.
**I just found out that anyone who signs up for classes this week gets entered into a drawing for a $20 gift certificate toward store merchandise or future classes…pretty good deal!

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  1. Shawni–Your pictures are absolutely beautiful! I am dying to take that class, but not sure yet if it is going to work…hopefully!

    My little James turns one in two days. Poor guy, I just keep forgetting that his birthday is THIS week!!

  2. Your pictures are beautiful. I love the way you capture light and also, such rich glimpses of peoples/babies expressions. It’s such a quietly beautiful portrait of personalities. I would love to take your class but I’m up in Oregon. Did you go to school for photography or are you self-taught?

  3. I sooo wish that I could have made it down there for your class… next time! My grandparents live about an hour and a half away from Mesa, so I will have to see if they could get me to and fro while I am down there :)Just keep me posted when you are planning to teach again… I am really working hard to shoot in manual and be prepared!

  4. Shucks Shawni! Everytime I see a new batch of your amazing photography it just takes my breath away and I think, “Gosh we’ve GOT to put that one on the book” Problem is that I feel that way about every single picture. What to do???

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