book links
I don’t know why I’m actually putting these links on this blog because of two things: 1) my mouth is still crooked and I mumble2) I have a bad haircut…
to Utahns & Women’s Conference attendees:
Just FYI that I’m leaving tonight for Utah once again for some more PR stuff. Tune into Studio 5 at 11:00 tomorrow morning (Thursday, April 30th) for a little segment…
my “cause”
I don’t want to lop side this blog about Lucy or this book, but if I took a pie graph of the activities going on in life right now, these…
book stuff
A couple of our radio interviews have aired in case you’d like to check them out: Click here for the one with Steven Kapp Perry. (This is actually a page…
Utah PR trip
Oh boy this has been quite a trip.Let’s just go ahead and start with a little photo disclaimer because not only did I not have my sixth child (my big…
Easter, a surpise trip & "Good Things Utah"
I’m a fish out of water. On a plane without a single child needing crayons or a snack or whining about who knows what. Nope. Just me. Going through security…
If you are local…
…and want something to do today, come to the Chandler Deseret Book. I’ll be there signing books from 12-1:30, and then from 5-7. I’ll probably be lonely, and I won’t…
I get a rush when I can run two miles. I know that sounds wimpy, but seriously, that’s a big deal for me. I get a rush when I can…