We hosted 52 at our house for Thanksgiving.  So grateful for that opportunity, I love hosting. But since it was right after the Turkey Trot it had to be pretty carefully orchestrated.

The night before gave us a beautiful sunset as Dave worked late into the night setting up Turkey Trot stuff and Claire, Lu and I worked getting the tables ready.  We found this idea on Pinterest:

 …and we found rosemary at our neighbors 🙂

Thank you Daltons!

Claire helped me iron every napkin:

Grace brought over all the chairs from the neighbor’s.
…and Lu traced her hand over and over for the nametags for all the kids.

 …she was pretty excited about those little turkeys all set for the kids to put together on the big day.

My mother-in-law graciously offered to do BOTH turkeys and the stuffing.  She is dreamy and I adore her.  Papa helped too and those suckers sure were tasty!

Everyone else brought practically all the other food.  Have I mentioned how much I love these guys?

The elementary school table went from this:

…to this, all filled up with cute kids 🙂

We have six little boys who sat here:

The teenagers sat out on the porch:

And the 18 adults sat in here:

The kids put together their turkeys and the teenagers and adults each had a leaf to write one most grateful thing on:

We put them all in a bowl and read them and tried to guess who’s was who’s.

So much delicious food…and so many great people.  Along with Dave’s family, including one sister and her family from out of town, we had our good friends from China join us for their first real American Thanksgiving.

They were so great to put up with the masses of family there…love them so much.

Somehow it has become sort of a tradition to put up a backdrop and take pictures after the big meal.

We hung out…


 …and then it was time for pie.

We combined with Dave’s mom’s brother’s family for dessert…he’s on the left below…his wife in the middle.  Love them and all their kids who joined us.

With them the party went from 52 to 81.

I wasn’t smart enough (or brave enough) to try to take a picture of everyone, but here are a few stragglers at the end:

…and the remains of the “thankful table.”

Hope everyone had a grand Thanksgiving!

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  1. I am so grateful for these pictures! I grabbed a few for my blog because I didn't take one picture of all that lovely hoopla! Thanks so much! How blessed we were to have been there to enjoy that crowd of wonderful people!

  2. I am so grateful for these pictures! I grabbed a few for my blog because I didn't take one picture of all that lovely hoopla! Thanks so much! How blessed we were to have been there to enjoy that crowd of wonderful people!

  3. Shawn, this is innnncredible! wow! such a huge crowd and everything is so beautiful! this and the turkey trot – woah! you're amazing. love and miss you!!

  4. Looks like a wonderful holiday gathering – beautiful and tasty! I hope you're not inundated with this question…but I love that big photo of your kids sitting on the chairs. Did you take it? And how did you get it blown up so big? Thanks so much (and Merry Christmas!)

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