Our family screen-time challenge results
Ok let’s talk about our family screen time challenge results. (I asked if anyone wanted to join me in this leading up to Easter last week, and they did!) The…
Ok let’s talk about our family screen time challenge results. (I asked if anyone wanted to join me in this leading up to Easter last week, and they did!) The…
I have an update coming soon about what the big kids are up to, because they are up to a lot. And oh how they are still part of this…
Yep, the first THREE episodes of the new season are live for “In the Arena.” WooHOO! I love learning from my sisters as we discuss the world together, including parenting…
I’ve been thinking a lot about self-confidence lately. Specifically in my own kids. Is every mother out there in this same quandary? Even with adult kids?? I realize I have…
I came across two old blog questions the other day about raising a boy. How to nurture one son. And also how to build relationships with sons. And they brought…
I want to talk about a comment made on this blog a while back that talked about the most important nine minutes of the day. But first let’s think about…
I forgot to mention that we recorded a few of podcasts while we were together in Utah: a sister’s overnight podcast fest:) My brother Eli came over as we were…
My sister-in-law Annie is one of my great examples in life. I love her, and how her mind and heart work. I shared one thing I love most about her…
With emergent teenagers, one of my always-biggest questions was how to trust kids to figure out their own paths. Just like my fellow mothers, I wanted the very best for…