I think I mentioned before that I got to be with Max on his birthday.

Yep. My niece got married that same day, so it was just a giant party I tell you!
I got in super late the night before and Grace picked me up.
Being the good-birthday-idea-girl she is, we rounded up some things to help him feel special in the midst of all the wedding hoopla the next day.
She sent out a text to the family for all the things we love about him, and those texts filled with love just poured right in.
We wrote them up on post-it notes and covered his door with them at like 1:00 in the morning.

Here are some more close up pics:

Oh we love that kid with all our hearts.
We decorated his car too.
JUST the thing that boy likes is attention on his birthday…HA! (He doesn’t and took all this down right away, but I do feel like he felt lots of love.)

We whipped up our favorite cookies for a little mini birthday party back at he and Abby’s house before the reception later that night.

So much love for the boy of mine and for these twenty-six years I’ve had the gift of being his mama.
Love you forever Maxwell David.