Try as I might, I can’t seem to keep my children from growing older.
How in the world is my third turning NINETEEN today?? In my heart of hearts it just doesn’t seem possible. But there she is, standing in front of me, full of light and goodness, the best questions and the most fun conversations, all right there wrapped up in this wonderful girl I so adore.

A little selection of the pictures the girls and I got wrapped up in looking at today…gosh! So many memories!
Made her older siblings so happy:
Oh I wish I could just SQUISH that girl! Instead, I just hugged her up all day today. Here nineteen things (among so many), that I adore about her.
1) I love how she loves her siblings. Takes Lucy under her wing, equalizes Claire, adores and looks up as she builds Elle and Max.
2) I love how she makes decisions. The tough ones. Filled with confidence and seeking direction from Above. And that she has made so many good ones in her life.
3) I love that she goes with the flow. It was tough for her to fall so deeply in love with her freshman experience in Hawaii and have it uprooted smack-dab in the middle of the best part. (Corona) But of course she knew there was no helping it and has made it another learning experience to come home (and boy, we have loved having her!) Also, she uprooted her summer plans and headed to live in China when needed last summer at a moment’s notice. She knew it would be tough but she did it in the blink of an eye and learned so much.
4) She’s up for an adventure. Always, and any time.
5) She is such a good friend. Not only to those her age, but to her mama.
6) She knows how to minister in a beautiful way, putting others first and seeking to be the salve to broken hearts when she is with them.
7) I love that Grace knows how to study. Sure, she likes to procrastinate getting things done, but once she sets her mind to something she gets it done quickly and well. And she’s a really good writer even though she’s too humble to admit it.
8) She is my favorite helper in the kitchen, we seem to work in tandem and we can create good food as we talk through the world.
9) I love that Grace has a willingness to dig deep and learn. In school, in relationships, in her faith.
10) I love that she can brighten up a whole entire room with her smile. From the time she was little she just shines.
11) She is consistent. Once she sets her mind to something she follows through and makes it happen.
12) She’s a great tennis player and can whip her mama.
13) Grace is not a complainer.
14) I love that she has cultivated a blossoming relationship with her Savior. And knows where to turn when she is struggling. She has worked hard on that and it’s a beautiful thing to watch.
15) She has the most gorgeous handwriting in the whole history.
16) It’s been fun to watch her mission preparation. She is SO excited to serve in Uruguay (or wherever she may be reassigned due to Corona problems), and has put her heart into that adventure that awaits.
17) She’s my favorite workout partner (we’ve had some pretty good times working out together over this whole quarantine).
18) She’s the best conversationalist, asking the best, thoughtful questions. She is genuinely interested in my life and my opinions (not always the case with teenagers for sure), which is so endearing.
19) Grace is her own girl. She knows who she is and that makes her strong.
Love you forever and ever, Grace Jam!!

Happy birthday Grace! Wishing you a blessed year! You are going to be an amazing missionary 🙂
She is beautiful! Hope she has a wonderful birthday!
I always admire your ability to come up with long birthday lists for your kids. So, just now, after reading yet another wonderful post, I started an ongoing birthday note on my phone, a place where I can jot down ideas as they come to me. Hopefully, when their birthdays arrive, I will have already been thinking all year about what I can write about them. I’d better get busy for the next one on July 6 ~ she’s turning 25!
Happy Birthday to Grace. She sounds like a lovely young lady! 🙂
Happy Birthday Grace, have a great time and an amazing year.