little things

Boy howdy I’m behind on documenting all that’s going on around here. It was 80s day at school.  I was mad we didn’t have any Forenza sweaters or big belts… Claire went to a cheerleading camp with her cousin and a friend.She thought she died and went to Heaven with those HUNDREDS  of other girls…

Medical Day in the colonies

Our second day here was our “medical” day.  It was probably the day most filled with anticipation as well as trepidation.  To be in the midst of these people so afflicted and outcast from society (the “untouchables”) and to be able to reach out to them and smile at them, wash their feet, bandage their…

Tal & Anita

We totally, 100% lucked out that my brother and his wife (Tal and Anita) who live in NYC happened to be coming to town right when Dave wanted to come meet me for my last hurrah with American Mothers in D.C. (back here).    Well, you could call it “lucking out” or sad news since…


I am sitting here surrounded by piles of laundry and in the midst of mopping away the weekly grime while Lu is at dance class.  The shelves in my refrigerator are empty, there are fingerprints everywhere, and I know I have appointments and check-ups galore that I need to check my calendar to make sure…

virtual FHE

We had a virtual Family Home Evening with my whole family last month. We all linked into the computer at the same time and it was awesome…and chaotic too. Each time someone talked it cut to their family so there are a bunch of changes of scenery. It was so fun to see one brother…


A couple weekends ago Lucy and I met up with my Mom and sisters and sisters-in-law in L.A. I love these ladies. I can’t get enough of them. We are SO spread out that it’s an extra treat when we get together. We have one in NYC, one in DC, one in LA, one in…