Cherish the Moment

My favorite motherhood quote reads like this: “Everything in all the books I once pored over is finished for me now. Penelope Leach. T. Berry Brazelton. Dr. Spock. The ones on sibling rivalry and sleeping through the night and early-childhood education, all grown obsolete. Along with ‘Goodnight Moon’ and ‘Where the Wild Things Are,’ they…


After my ritual of looking forward to this trip all year, I’m here. I’m in Salt Lake, en route to Rexburg first to visit Dave’s parents (can’t wait to see you guys!), then back for some photoshoots, then on to my luscious Bear Lake. We do Bear Lake every summer and I can’t get enough…

summer kick-off

I must say summer is shaping up quite nicely around here. Despite the fact that the first thing Grace did when she got home from school on the last day was cover her face in desperation and start bawling about how much she already missed her teacher (yes, she is a drama queen), she seems…


Baseball season is winding down. And we’ve been missing in action. The big opening day family celebration came and went a couple months ago. We weren’t there eating our hot dogs and mingling with the hundreds of other families involved in baseball like we’ve done for the past who-knows-how-many years. We were home doing our…

hikes and motherhood

Today we went hiking. It was perfect. These things contributed in a round-about way to why: Lucy weighs 29 pounds. I carried her on my back up and down rocky terrain for four miles. In flip flops. Claire got blisters on both feet…was still pretty tough until she fell on a prickly cactus thing and…

photography side-note

Have I ever mentioned how much I love photography? I do, and I love that I get to meet so many great people through it. And I don’t really like to mix this stuff with my normal blog, but even more I don’t want to have another writing blog. So to tide me over until…

the balancing act

Note: this post is in tribute to “keeping it real.” Do I really want to remember the hard, crazy days in the future when all this fades from my memory? I sure do. Sometimes I think I’m losing it. It all started up this morning with Claire wetting her bed…again. And then Lucy’s diaper explosion…

weekend get-away

I got woken up this morning (for the third time) at 9:36 by Grace coming into my room and telling me very sweetly that the developmental specialist was here for Lucy. Yep. I’m admitting it right here…9:36! But the first time I woke up was at 2:02, and that was because I had the worst…

Real Life

Lucy’s not taking steps anymore. She did so great one day, then tried to build a tower with soup cans the next and one of the cans fell smack dab on her poor foot. (Yeah, I know, don’t let her play with soup cans..but you try taking cans away from a baby who is so…