Lucy planned our her rainbow-hello-kitty birthday cake for months before the big day. 2012-10-01 Lu's birthday 61773I don’t know that this was exactly what she had in mind, but she was pleased as punch about it, especially when we cut it open and she saw this rainbow surprise: 2012-10-01 Lu's birthday 61829 This is what you do: Mix up a white cake mix. Separate the batter into bowls and add a couple drops of high potency food coloring.  See those little bottles on the left below?  You can get them at Michael’s or a cake decorating store.2012-10-01 Lu's birthday 61764 Drop the batter by spoonfuls into a greased 9×13 baking pan.2012-10-01 Lu's birthday 61765 Smooth it out so it will bake evenly.2012-10-01 Lu's birthday 61769 Bake according to package directions.  Then cut the cake into a hello kitty shape.  (I just looked up Hello Kitty on the internet and drew it free-hand as big as I could on a piece of paper and then outlined it on the cake.)2012-10-01 Lu's birthday 61772
I’ve always had troubles with crumbs getting in the frosting when I try to frost a cut cake, but I looked up this whiz-bang idea on the internet: frost a really thin layer first (no worries if there are crumbs in it). Refrigerate the cake for a 1/2 hour or so.  Then frost it for reals.  No crumbs. Decorate with jellybeans and black licorice.  We frosted a bow cut from cardboard and lined it with rainbow skittles so she could see a rainbow on top.2012-10-01 Lu's birthday 61774 Then we cut into that sucker and ate it up.2012-10-01 Lu's birthday 61829 Easy-peasy rainbow surprise. 

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  1. What a brilliant idea! My daughter will turn 7 in December and she is going to LOVE it! I'm so glad you make homemade cakes, too. The prices for a cake at the store are ridiculous! 🙂

  2. Shawni, I saw the new podcast button to the right and just bought them. SO excited. I listened to the freebie, and enjoyed it so much!!! I sent a question thru Power of Mom' site, but just in case you have time to answer it here (and others might need the info), do you know how to download them (all) to your device?? I want to be able to listen in the car, or on a run! Thanks!!

  3. Oh I love that cake! So precious. Thanks so much for sharing the how-to…I'm going to have to give it a try. My 6 yr. old son loves to help me bake, so I'm thinking with all these bright colors, he'd really enjoy helping me bake a rainbow cake.

    many blessings,

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