“O” and 14 years
At some point in my post-college days my family went to see “O” (the Cirque du Soleil production that takes your breath away using a huge water pool on the…
At some point in my post-college days my family went to see “O” (the Cirque du Soleil production that takes your breath away using a huge water pool on the…
If you don’t know this guy, you won’t get this, but I just found this picture I forgot to post with the ones from Mexico a few months back. This…
As I was scrambling around trying to get these five little Valentines all situated for Valentine’s Day before we leave out of town (we’ll be long gone by the time…
I think that’s a pretty lucky number. Because 13 years ago today this guy became mine. I hit the jackpot.
Sometimes I miss Dave. Sure, we live in the same house, sleep in the same bed, sit at the same table for dinner, raise the same kids. But sometimes, when…
Physically I can do it when Dave’s out of town. I can get the kids where they need to be when they need to be there (not without the help…
Well, I guess that last post totally confirms the fact that despite Dave’s rugged, handsome, chiseled appearance with his “no nonsense” attitude he’s really a total softie at heart. (I’m…
Someone in Dave’s family started a tradition of writing ten things they love about the person having a birthday. I’ve adopted this and love it because it really makes me…
So my husband is a triathlete. I may not have mentioned that before, because there are so many other qualities I could go on and on about with this guy….