My mind is so caught up in this Vision Walk this week that I feel like it would be almost irreverent to divert to my regular Q & A. {For anyone who missed the “call to action” this week because of the darn RSS feed fiasco, click HERE.}

So here are some last minute question and answers about the walk TOMORROW!

How much money has been raised so far for the “I Love Lucy” Vision Walk team?

$3,205.00 and counting.

Yes, that is more than double our goal.

How many times have you teared up this week as you watched those donations come rolling in?

Way too many to count.

Is it too late to donate?

No way. Please keep the donations coming. (The donation page is HERE. It will look like we are still at $2,395 or something like that but that’s not counting the team gifts that bring it up over $3,000. Click on “support Shawni” or “Join I Love Lucy Team”) Wouldn’t that be cool if we tripled the goal? 🙂

Do I have to sign up online if I want to come join in on the walk tomorrow?

No, you can sign up tomorrow at the event, or you can even just come walk without signing up, but I think it’s fun to see how many people are there and I think the Foundation Fighting Blindness likes to see how many walkers show up. It would be so fun to have a big crowd for the “I Love Lucy” team. The sign-up page is HERE (I know there are some glitches and some have had trouble signing up so try clicking on the gray buttons at the top left.)

What do I get if I make a donation?**

1) A chance to stand up for something big. Blindness affects hundreds of thousands and finding a cure will change lives.

2) An opportunity to enter into to AWESOME give-aways. After you donate be sure to click HERE to enter to win an amazing Motherhood Retreat my kind sister is giving away and HERE to read about Macy’s generous give-away.

**no one really asked that question…of course people aren’t giving to get. I put that in for special effects. But hey, may as well grab something on the side if it’s being offered!

What do I get if I show up on Saturday morning for the walk?**

1) The feeling of fulfilment and satisfaction that taking part of something that does so much good for so many in the world gives. A chance to talk to kids about service and how much it helps others.

2) A chance to jump on bounce houses and eat and drink whatever food they have there.

3) A chance to hang with Lucy (ha ha) and who wouldn’t want that??? It will be super fun if she’s in a good mood, and very interesting (and sometimes funny) if she’s in a bad mood 🙂

** No one really asked that one either.

Do we need to pay for t-shirts when we get there?

No, we’re hoping we can get enough for everyone, but the rules have changed a little this year so I’m working on it. Try to wear yellow if you can.

What time does it start?

Registration starts at 8:00, there’s an opening ceremony at 9:00 and the walk starts at 9:30.

Where is the Walk?

Steele Indian School Park in Phoenix. Directions are HERE.

How are you ever going to thank everyone enough for helping so much with this?

I have no idea.

Oh THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for all the support this week. It means the world to us. I wish I could just give everyone a giant hug.

Love, Shawni

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  1. I am so bummed that we aren't there to walk this year!! When we moved there (to Gilbert) last fall, I had big plans, including the Walk. Unfortunately, my husband lost his job before Christmas (lame, right?) and we had to move back to southwest Missouri. We're hoping this move is temporary, and that we'll be able to find a job back in Arizona. By golly, one day I'll be there to walk with you guys!! Good luck tomorrow, I'll be thinking of you, and whining because we're not there, too!

  2. nI have a question regarding your stand/beliefs on dressing modestly. My teen daughter and I have had some serious disagreements on this topic, especially with regards to length of shorts and dresses. I have noticed that Elle tends to wear very short shorts and wondered what guidelines you use. Thanks for your input!!

  3. Enjoy tomorrow!! Bast in all the love & support coming your way!! Thanks for sharing your life & lessons so openly. I feel like I learn so much from you as a mother. I so look forward to my time reading your bits of wisdom! I cannot wait to read all about the Vision Walk. I have never wished soo much to be out west! But for now, all the way from Alabama my family will be praying for a huge success for this walk for your sweet Lucy & soo many others!!! God Bless!

  4. Shawni,
    This general conference was totally for YOU. The two talks in a row about our earthly bodies and our limitations made me think about Lucy. She is truly a kindred spirit.

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