Welp, let’s do a little Halloween wrap-up before we move on to all the gratitude stuff. OH I LOVE NOVEMBER!

But I do love a good Halloween too.

Here was the run-down of what everyone was this year.

We will start with the star of the show:

Miss Murphy Jane.

I mean honestly, it’s all I can do not to go hop on a flight right this second to go hug her.

Got this too:

Not enough heart emojis for that girl.

I love that Max and Abby (and Abby’s mom!! Thank you Sarah!) reenacted this picture we took of Max when he was her exact same age:

Yep, back in the good old scrapbooking days when I would cut up photos with those little zig-zag scissors. Ha!

Oh I’d give anything to go back and hug that baby of mine, too! So squishy and happy. I can almost feel him in my arms.

Ok, so here’s Miss Murphy in her own pumpkin:

Oh yeahhhh.

I love the leg-hole additions 🙂

Made my whole Halloween.

Let’s put those puppies side-by-side:

There we go.

Later that night she was a bear, but not sure she’s overly excited about it…

Ok, on to the rest of the crew:

Elle and Carson were witches in the heart of the city that does Halloween right: NYC.

I mean…look at these doorsteps!

Subway and Halloween parade so packed with people they could hardly move:

Grace was Adam’s Family.

There are so many fun things to do in a college town on Halloween!

…as opposed to the MTC…There’s not much to dress up as on Halloween at the MTC aside from your teacher:

But they made it fun.

Back on the homefront, we had our traditional soup dinner with our neighbors:

And did our annual water station/candy pass-out at the end of the cul-de-sac together.

That’s the only picture I got, but here we are after clean-up.

So funny Halloween is really the only time we get to hang out with our neighbors. Love them.

Lucy didn’t dress up for Halloween for the very first time in her whole entire life.

I didn’t know whether to celebrate or cry. I mean, she’s my baby for crying out loud! But she got to go watch a movie at a friend’s house while we were passing out candy at the end of the street.

This is all I got from her:

She was so excited to be included. Bless kids who include and lift other kids. I know that’s tricky in this teenager-business. It means so much to the one included. But do those kids have any idea how much it means to the mama too??

No words to express that gratitude.

Since Lu didn’t dress up, I figured SOMEONE around here had to. So I took one for the team and was a conductor.

(With some old overalls Claire left behind when she left on her mission.)

And that’s a wrap of how Halloween went down in 2023.

I’m ready to bring on all the gratitude November has to offer. Got the beginnings of the Thankful tree up today.

SO GRATEFUL for a month to reflect on gratitude: the creator of happiness and all good in the world.

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  1. The pictures of Max and Murphy side by side are to die for!! Love the recreation of it. Your grand baby is just so darling!!

  2. “Bless kids who include and lift other kids. I know that’s tricky in this teenager-business. It means so much to the one included. But do those kids have any idea how much it means to the mama too??”

    As a mom to teenage girls who have just moved to a new town, I feel this. Of course, I encourage my girls to put themselves out there and be proactive in making friends, but it is HARD (especially when you’re shy). I’m praying for other teenagers to notice the ones on the outside, and I’m so beyond grateful for any gesture of kindness towards my kids.

    (I’m also enjoying having my teenagers home more and doing things together as a family… that’s the silver lining ☺️)

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