Man oh man, it’s like I’m stuck in quick sand and life is passing by in front of me in fast motion these days. Here’s a little of what we’ve been up to": There is not a time the Ariel is not close to Lucy during the day….…except that we have somehow miraculously talked her into the fact that Ariel needs to nap while Lucy is at school so she can’t bring her there. We got our latest installment of school pictures:
Did I already post those? I spoke at a regional singles fireside about seeking out “The Abundant Life.”
It was fun getting to know so many people after and the other speaker who I was fascinated by. It was also fun having Dave there with me…although he learned it may be a good idea to wear his wedding ring to something like that next time… I also got to speak at an Evening of Excellence in a neighboring stake. Loved being able to talk about how important the choices we make right now are…and how they can serve others. So fun to be back with Young Women. I love working with the youth. I cannot keep up with the food demands of our family. It’s mostly Max but boy howdy, I get a workout pushing my Costco cart around these days. We go through stuff like these puppies lickety-split.
Claire and I finally sat down and put together all the notes she got back at her baptism (back here) and read them together.
SO grateful for good friends who wrote her so many kind good things and advice that she can go back to again and again in life. Claire did her “salt-dough map.” I love the things these kids learn in school.
Max is rounding up his season of club volleyball with regionals this coming weekend.
So fun to watch him really get into it.
Love that smile. Elle’s finishing up the year trying to do a few more tennis tournaments…
She got nailed in one, but has done pretty well in others. Another one coming up this weekend… Fun to have Nana and Papa with us to watch sometimes.
…as well as “coach Dad.”
Halloween residuals…
Moustache day at school…
Ugly sweater day at the High School:
Cowgirl day back at the elementary school:
That’s the first time Lucy has ever wanted to have school spirit so it was kind of momentous. Grace just finished her unit in Egyptian studies.
They had a “wax museum” at school and can I just tell you how much Grace practiced for her part as “Bastet” the ancient feline Egyptian goddess?
…a LOT. She got the whole family involved I tell you and she said her part so much I think we all have it memorized. (Above she’s roped post-tennis-ragamuffin-Claire in with her.)
We sure had fun whipping up this costume together for the big day. Here she is with her section of the sixth grade right after they did their schpeals for us:
…and with her great “Egyptian teacher:”
Lucy got as sick as could be. The poor girl. She had a 103 temp for days and we got to the point we were SO worried about her especially after she started breaking out in a horrible rash.
It turns out that it was a mysterious virus mixed with a drug reaction to her new Bactrim prescription she had just started a few days before.
Wow, we are sure glad to have her back to normal after all that!
We went to a behavioral doctor yesterday to see if we can get some of her OCD tendencies under control. They worry us. I have hundreds of pictures like this as we try to narrow down flooring and finishes for our new house:
Man alive, it is a full-time job. I promise I’ll say more about it when there’s anything to say. It’s just a slow process for us. I put this in the iPhone post, but I just have to say I sure love Art Masterpiece. So fun to get to be the “teacher” in my kids’ classrooms every now and then and to talk about one of my all-time favorite things: art.
Elle has been keeping herself busy with her photography experimenting:
Apparently this is Claire’s serious-with-chocolate-around-your-mouth series.
After months and months of kids begging, we finally caved and went to “Jump Street” for FHE:
Pretty fun night I must say. Back yard jumping too…
I don’t know what we would do without that trampoline.
that's just so awesome about dave wearing his wedding ring at things like that. bahaha welcome to my world. shawn, do you have an outline of that talk that you can send to me? i remember you telling me about it but i can't remember all the details. love you and miss you guys like crazy!!!
That's so funny about Dave wearing his ring! I read your blog pretty consistently and frankly didn't think he had one because I never see it in pictures ahaha!
I laughed loud about the wedding right too!!!!!
Ok, please can you share anything about what you learned at Lucys app with the behavioural specialist. I am banging my head against a wall right now. I need to find someone to help with my daughter who has OCD. I would love to hear about it!
With all of the groceries that you guys buy, I SINCERELY hope that you recycle as much as you can! It's so important to protect our planet and to recycle.
Love the ring comment as well. I am not a jewelry person and do not wear my wedding ring 99% of the time, despite how beautiful it is. I figure 3 kids at my side is enough to say "I'm taken."
Good luck with your house. We are in the final weeks of building a new house and it was a lot more work than I thought it was going to be. I'm emotionally exhausted by having to make so many big decisions in a short period of time, but it's totally worth it in the end. I think our home is beautiful and its just how I imagined it would be. Can't wait to see pics of yours!
I saw you & your family at the temple lights last night. 🙂
I just wanted to tell you I love reading your blog–it is uplifting and helps me be a better mother.
Jumpstreet is awesome! It was empty when you were there – Mondays must be a good night then. I'm still sore and I went 3 days ago… it when exercise doesn't feel like exercise.
Hi, I read your blog often, it lifts my spirits. You mentioned Lucy seeing a behavioral Doc for OCD issues… I was just curious have you ever thought about or tired using doTerra essential oils to assist Lucy? I know that they have quiet a variety of oils emotional oils that she may benefit from. I can only imagine that sweet lil child of yours goes through alot with what she has to overcome and it may offer some relief without adding more medicine into the equation. If you want you can email me at
Best Family Blog Nomination for 71 Toes!
Hi Shawni
First, thank you for all your beautiful posts; they truly show the importance and beauty of family life!! Your family is absolutely inspiring, and I truly appreciate the joy you share with us! It's also so funny that your hubby forgot to wear his wedding ring the other day! 🙂
Second – congratulations! The FamilyLeaf community and staff love your blog, and have nominated 71 Toes for FamilyLeaf's 2012 "Best Family Blog of the Year" contest.
Until Dec 20, 2012 your fans can vote for you once a day. The blog/blogger with the most votes by 11:59 PM PST on Dec 20, will win a free iPad for their family! The two runner-ups will win Kindles. Here's the link to the contest: .
FamilyLeaf is a private social network just for families. Our goal is to make staying in touch with your loved ones safe, private and fun on the web. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at (425) 495-4610 or Thanks!
Happy Holidays to you and your beautiful family!
Mary Yap
FamilyLeaf Community Manager
I know you have referenced a few books on helping with discipline, but I was wondering if there are any in particular that focus on two and under. I realize that most people seem to think discipline isn't for children under the age of two and I'm certainly not looking for something super stern and trying to "lay down the law", but I have a 16 month old who is very good at ignoring me, telling me no, throwing food and boycotting meal times. I continue to say no, redirect, make eye contact, etc., but I don't seem to be making much of a difference. I was hoping she was just still too little to understand, but in the last week or so numerous people have noted that she seems to know exactly what she is doing. I am worried if I don't do some things proactively and wait until she is 2, I'm going to have a kid no one wants to be around. Nursery is right around the corner and I'm having major anxiety that she is going to be kicked out each Sunday! 🙂
Random question… We're thinking about buying a trampoline for our kids for Christmas. What size is yours? Any pointers? Thanks!
Check out they have an underground kit- we LOVE ours!!!
my little one who is 7 has OCD tendancies and is very anxious – any advice? I can't really find a good Dr. Let alone find one 🙂
I have a three-year-old Lucy of my own who has some OCD tendencies that worry me. I'd love to hear what you found out.
My 8yo has OCD and this book (along with a few of the author's other books) have helped IMMENSELY: "What to Do When Your Brain Gets Stuck" by Dawn Huebner.
Loved every "little thing"!