Thanksgiving festivities

Thanksgiving day, as usual, was filled with all kinds of festivities. First and foremost, our own local “Turkey Trot.”(gotta love the difference in Max and Elle’s expressions up there) For years we went to the one in a neighboring city, but one day while running along the canal, Dave and his friend had the bright…

Happy Thanksgiving!

Oh man we had a good one around here. And our Thanksgiving Tree got a wing-dinger of an overhaul of leaves of every sort to celebrate our thankfulness. We decided to forgo our traditional “Turkey Trot” and do our own thing. I took the girls on a run/bike ride to celebrate the beauty of the…

Happy Thanksgiving!

My family just drove off to our annual Thanksgiving morning tradition: The Turkey Trot. We LOVE heading out each Thanksgiving and running hard with the kids before we settle down for all the turkey and mashed potatoes. Over the last five years it’s become an important part of Thanksgiving over here. (I’m acting like I…

Thanksgiving run-down

Ok, so Thanksgiving festivities…before I forget what we did: My sister Saydi, her husband and two kids Hazel & Charlie came first. They stayed for a week and a half and we loved having them. I always get so inspired by those two. The kids had fun together…most of the time. Claire & Hazel have…

The Beginning of Claire’s missionary adventure in Australia

The Beginning of Claire’s missionary adventure in Australia

I wrote about Claire’s birthday in Australian birthday time (yesterday since she’s 18 hours ahead of us). But it’s her birthday today in America. So let’s celebrate this girl a little bit and give an update into how her mission is going so far. And there’s a lot to say with some excerpts from Claire’s…

gift guides galore – for your weekend holiday wrap-up shopping

gift guides galore – for your weekend holiday wrap-up shopping

Who’s ready for Christmas? I for one am all about some last-minute gift ideas so I’m sharing these lists from before Thanksgiving. Here you go: Gift Guides Galore to help you get ready for Christmas. Gift guides galore from our family to yours In this podcast we talked about how to weave joy into giving….

“Fall on your knees, Oh hear the angel voices” – Lucy’s concert

“Fall on your knees, Oh hear the angel voices” – Lucy’s concert

I don’t know that I will ever hear “O Holy Night” in the same way again after Lucy’s MCO Christmas concert. The words “Fall on your knees, Oh hear the angel voices” has woven gold through my heart this Christmas season. But let’s back up to when we were sitting in that concert hall filled…