the H family

And this photoshoot was like we were on a secret mission. We pulled up to this cool place and my heart dropped as I saw the big sign that announced…

the B family

Oh man we love these guys. It was so fun to get to take their pictures while we were in Mexico with them (the fact that I’m just now posting…

blue eyes

We think it’s awesome that we have one blue-eyed person in our family. Well, these guys put us to shame. They all have these gorgeous piercing blue eyes. It was…


Just a reminder that I’m teaching a photography class at Blissful Living Studio this Thursday, October 2nd. The web site says it’s for the “Intermediate Photographer” but don’t let that…

my girls

I took the girls on an impromptu photoshoot (like we did last year) the other day. There was no talking Max into it this time around, darn it! I did,…