Well, I sure had great intentions of posting my draft of heartfelt gratitude for Thanksgiving yesterday, but boy howdy, life sure came at us FAST the last few days. Phew! So much to say about the turkey trot (it was the best yet in my opinion, especially because the threatening rain held off) and Thanksgiving (another best yet for me). But today I’m going to talk about one specific thing I’m very most grateful for:

Yep, him. The birthday boy.
I am the luckiest that I get to call him mine.

Oh he makes us all pretty happy around here.
We have been working on some special gifts for him today that I will talk about soon when I can catch my breath coming off of the nuttiest week for us around here, but just wanted to come here for a minute and say he’s on the top of my gratitude list.
My partner.
My best friend.
The person I can tell anything and feel safe and who forgives me for all my shortcomings, and who pushes me and “gets” me and is right there in the trenches with me forever. Oh it’s not all rainbows and butterflies, we’re good at fighting and we’re both stubborn as they come. But he is humble and helps me be want to be that way too, and when things get the most stressful and crazy, he can make me laugh. Right then and there.
Yes, he is the best.
Happy birthday baby!
He is such an incredible guy! Thanks for finding him!